Griffin produces and carries their own line of cybernetically enchanced suits of battle armor for their HTR and Mil grade units. These are refered to as Hardsuits.
Hardsuits represent a further bluring of the line between man and machine as most of the components used in Hardsuit augmention are functionally identical to their cybernetic counterparts. In addition, Hardsuits rely on the wearer's bio energy similar to cybernetics (and thus have an unlimited power source) to operate. No special skill is required to operate a Hardsuit, but the Hardsuit Weapondry skill is required to effectively used any weapondry installed in the Hardsuit.
Hardsuits require two complex actions to put on and activate (one to get into and another to seal). Putting on a detachable helmet adds another complex action.
No armor can be worn underneath a Hardsuit. NONE! For additional details, refer to the rules provided concerning hardened armor (Cannon Companion p. 51)
A Hardsuit requires a special body suit (or "innerwear") to operate effectively. Spare body suits cost 1,000 ¥. These suits are extremely form fitting and even ordinary clothing cannot be worn underneath. Note that one body suit is included in the price of the Hardsuit. Innerwear cannot accept armor modifications, as it interferes with the neural receptors required to interface with the Hardsuit.
All suits listed are for right handed shooters. Suits can be for left handed shooters at no additional cost. Detachable helmet is likewise no additional cost. Internal weapondry may be changed, such as Spurs for Cyberguns, with an additional cost equal to the new weapondry.
Because Hardsuits represent neither vehicles nor cyberware, they use the rules for neither when determing maintenace and repair requirements.
Routine maintenance cost .001 (1/10 of 1%) of the Hardsuit's price per month with a maximum of 1,000 ¥. Routine Maintenance requires an Armor Kit, an Electronics Kit, and a Cybernetics Kit. 1 Good Karma is equal to 500 ¥ of the maintenance cost, rounding up. Most Hardsuits cost less than 1,000 ¥ per month to maintain.
Hardsuit repair is a bit more more complex and requires Shops rather than Kits. Hardsuit repair is done with the Hardsuit specialization of Armor B/R and also requires a Cybernetics specialization of Electronics B/R (which may be used as a complementary skill).
In order to determine if a Hardsuit suffers damage (i.e. stress) when struck by an attack, refer to the armor degradation rules provided in SR Companion. The probability of damage is determined according to the base damage of the weapon: Light - no damage, Medium - 1 to 2 on 1d6, Serious - 1 to 4 on 1d6, Deadly - always.
Should the Hardsuit incur stress, then it recieves 1d3 stress points. At Light Stress, the Hardsuit's Quickness and Strength bonuses are reduced by one point each. At Moderate Stress, the Hardsuit's bonuses are reduced by one half (rounding down). Boosters and Hydraulic Jacks work at half effectiveness as well. At Serious Stress, the Hardsuit provides no attribute bonuses. The Flight pack and Rutherium Polymers no longer work when this much damage is recieved. At Deadly Stress, none of the Hardsuit's augmentations (Boosters, Hydraulic Jacks, etc) work. The Hardsuit operates as a heavy (very heavy!) suit of Hardened armor at that point.
Stress point repair costs 100 ¥ multiplied by the stress level squared (100 x stress level x stress level) per box. The base target number is equal to twice the stress level (TN is 2 for Light stress, etc) with a base time equal to the number of boxes of stress. Each facility (i.e. Armor, Electronics, and Cybernetics) used in repairing the Hardsuit reduces the target number by one.
Likewise note that there is no limit to the amount of stress that a Hardsuit can aquire (and at a certain point, replacement is more effective than repair). A successful B/R test removes all stress points.
Hardsuits much like hardened body armor and cybernetics, can be customized to the wearer's specifications. Cost and features are determined by the wearers specifications and the formula below.
Hardsuit weight is likewise three times that of the hardened armor, but encumbers the wearer at only one third of that value (i.e. the base weight). Round to the nearest kilo for determining encumbrance.
All Hardsuits begin with a suit of Hardened armor, as per Cannon Companion (p. 518). Note that the suit must include a helmet or the Hardsuit will not function. The base price of the hardened armor (with helmet) is multiplied by three to reflect the cybernetics and electronics. Hazmat gear is included in the price as well as a medkit of the wearers rating. Both items are considered optional, but there is no cost reduction if not included.
The designer should select whether the helmet is detachable or not (some suits are one piece and others have a detachable helmet).
To begin our customization, we select a medium grade suit of hardened armor (with helmet, naturally). The hardened armor has a base price of 45,000 ¥ and the helmet an additional 2,500 ¥ to give us a number of 47,500 ¥.Hardsuits by their nature are designed to enhance the wearer's abilities (i.e. attributes) and serve the better protect the wearer. The Hardsuit's effectiveness in augmenting the wearer is limited by the wearer's own abilities.
Additional protective features, such as non-conductive and fire resistance are likewise included at this time. These features do not contribute to the weight of the suit per se (unless otherwise indicated, like insulation), they do increase the cost.
The following physical augmentations are available for Hardsuit integration. Note that Hardsuits can only be equipped with a maximum attribute increase of six points.
Hydraulic Jacks or Foot Anchors can be added to the legs of the suit. Only one or the other can be included due to size restraints, not both. Foot Anchors cost 14,000 ¥ and function identically to their cybernetic counterparts. Hydraulic Jacks can be up to rating six with a cost of 5,000 ¥ per level and function identically to their cybernetic counterpart.
There is room for a medium size storage compartment or an internal holster if Foot Anchors or Hydraulic Jacks are included. A large storage compartment is available for each leg if not included. Note that a medium storage compartment costs 500 ¥ while a large comparment costs 1,000 ¥. A leg holster can be installed in place of either for 5,000 ¥ and likewise functions identically to a cyberholster.
Quickness Increase is 30,000 ¥ per point for the first three points and 45,000 ¥ for each point after three.Hardsuits, like cyberlimbs, are capable of mounting internal weapondry. The Hardsuit's design limits it to one weapon per arm. The wearer can do physical damage if so desired but does so at half the normal power. (i.e. 10 becomes 5)
Each arm can mount only one weapon and they do not have to be identical. Included below is a selected list. All are retractable unless otherwise noted. Dikoting doubles the cost where applicable.
Hand Blade - Reach: 0, Damage: (STR) L, Cost: 2,500 ¥Alternately, a medium storage compartment or quickdraw spring (for weapons of concealablity 6+) can be mounted. The quickdraw spring costs 1,000 ¥ for each.
We decide that the Hardsuit needs close combat weapondry so we select a pair of Laser Swords, one for each arm. In addition, because we may need to use them against drones or vehicles, we select decide to dikote them as well. This adds 40,000 ¥ to the cost of the Hardsuit.Any features capable of being added to security armor or hardened armor can be added to a Hardsuit. In addition, either a Flight Pack or a Boosters (not both) may be added.
Flight Pack - Speed: 150, Acceleration: 10, Fuel: 30 PF, Economy: 5 km/PF or 2 min/PF when idle, Weight: 10 kilos, Cost: 50,000 ¥.Boosters cost 5,000 ¥ per rating to a maximum of 5. It provides a bonus for jumping equal to the rating and reduces falling damage equal to the rating as well. The boosters have effectively unlimited fuel (runs out only on a roll of 2 on 2d6).
The suit weighs 76 kilos (as our wearer has a body of 5) with an encumbrance of 25 kilos and costs 909,200 ¥.